This is really pretty simple. Vote for Leighton.
I don’t even know who else is running but I know Leighton. May be great people but for me, Like in Napoleon Dynamite “Leighton will make your wildest dreams come true”.
He’s likely to put a ton of time into this job and likely deliver more than he should. I don’t love the political thing but the bottom line is Leighton is experienced and shoots all the time.
He has no idea what he is getting himself into so by all means we need to get him in and committed to doing this job before he figures out how much work it will be. I could never do it but then I am lazy and just like to shoot. There is no way having Leighton on the BOD can be bad for the members of Area 2 and uspsa! It’s a win win.
Rob Leatham
Rio Salado Practical Club

Nils Jonasson
When Leighton told me he was running for Area 2 Director there were many reasons I told him I would 100% support him.
The most notable being his actions during preparation for the most recent IPSC world shoot on behalf of the US team.
Without the countless hours and thousands of dollars worth of his own money he spent, chances are none of the US competitors would've been able to compete in the match with their own ammunition.
Leighton took it upon himself to spearhead efforts ensuring the US teams could compete at the highest level. This and many other reasons are why I fully believe Leighton would act in the best interests of the shooters and members of USPSA.
Nils Jonasson L3837
Rio Salado Practical Club
Rob Leatham

Maggie Voigt
Pretty excited about this as I know Mike would be proud to see his friend and World Shoot teammate running for office. A lot of people complain but not many people take the initiative to do something about it. Seeing this ballot reminds me of late night conversations that I overheard between Mike and Leighton, two people full of passion and ideas but also two people with follow-through and a willingness to put the work in. I’m excited for you Leighton and all the potential that rests in this ballot. And I’m excited for all the continued growth of USPSA. I hope everybody votes. You got mine, Leighton!
Maggie Reese-Voigt
Competitive shooters
Wife to Mike Voigt

Julie Golob
Fellow USPSA peeps. I've had a really busy and challenging year that's kept me from participating in the sport as much as I would like. In fact, I won’t be at USPSA Nationals this year but I hope everyone has a safe and successful match. I finally had a chance to dig into my latest Front Sight Magazine and see that 2 remarkable gentlemen are running for Area 2.
If there’s one thing I hate about elections, having been in one myself this year, is that you have to make a choice. That’s very difficult when comparing and choosing between people who love the sport and work hard. When you have passionate individuals trying to do their best for shooters, there are no losers, yet we as members must select and elect one.
It’s so exciting to see new faces volunteering in greater capacities. Often times they come with different ideas for growth and success that can prove to be extremely effective and beneficial. This year one of the candidates, Leighton A Oosthuisen, happens to be a personal friend and a man I respect. I know Leighton to be thorough, professional, talented and dedicated. He has a lot of bright ideas and the sport is better for his efforts. I know how much it means to him to be considered for the opportunity to serve the membership in this capacity. 👍
Elections are so important and if you do have the privilege to vote, I hope you’ll take advantage of the opportunity. Research candidates, consider their potential and then take part — whether it’s in USPSA, at the state level or nationally.
Finally, a huge thank you to anyone who chooses to volunteer in our sport to make it safe, fun and welcoming. My hat is off to you!

Tim Forshey
I have known Leighton Oosthuisen for over 20 years, both as a fellow competitor and, on a few occasions (where he was in the right!) as his attorney. I wholeheartedly recommend him for the position of USPSA Area 2 Director. His abilities as a Grandmaster shooter, his knowledge of the sport, his ability to understand the concerns of others and his unparalleled organizational skills would be tremendous assets to the membership. We would be foolish not to elect Leighton as our Area 2 Director."
Timothy Forshey
Shooter, Instructor, Judge
Leightons's Attorney 25 yrs

Jim Adame
I’m writing to offer my endorsement of Leighton Oosthuisen for the position of USPSA Area 2 Director. Over the past several years, I have gotten to know Leighton as a competitor, a customer of his, and as a friend. As one of his customers, I have seen the expertise, passion, enthusiasm and leadership that he brings to his company to make it as successful as it is. As a competitor and as an active member of the shooting community, he’s extremely passionate, not only about his own shooting, but about the well-being of the sport in general. I have talked at length with him about many subjects regarding the USPSA and IPSC, and I'm convinced that he truly cares about the sport, its competitors and the organizations involved, and has some great ideas to challenge the status quo and make improvements where they can be made. I believe that Leighton will be an asset to the organization and I look forward seeing him in this position.
Jim Adame A80318 Club President
Rio Salado Practical

Angus Hobdell
“I would like to endorse Leighton Oosthuisen for Area 2 Director. I have known him for 2o plus years, have shot with him, been good friends, and discussed many business and shooting related issues. He is always professional, willing to listen, and understanding with other peoples issues. He is a big supporter of the shooting sports, NRA and second Amendment, and is always talking to people on what can be done to improve our sport. I look forward to doing more to renew our bond with the newly adopted IPSC. As an international traveller I would welcome anything that would help to make sense of the rules so we can travel more comfortably to international destinations. He has my vote!“
Angus Hobdell USPSA L2546 CZ Custom

Ken Nelson
Leighton is committed to practical shooting and specifically to the mission of the USPSA as articulated in the by-laws. I value his commitment, both personally and institutionally, to involving our members strongly with international competition. He brings unmatched enthusiasm, proven business and public speaking skills, and a very genial nature to the job. You can disagree with him without it getting personal.
I wholeheartedly endorse him as an excellent candidate for A2 Director.
Ken Nelson
PractiScore, SUPS
St George, Utah
Leighton is a consummate professional that can bring a wealth of experience, wisdom and passion to the organization. I believe strongly that there is no one better qualified than Leighton for the Area 2 board position at USPSA.”
Chris Hodgdon - Hodgdon Powder

Leighton has been a member of Cactus Match League for over twenty five years. I have known him that entire time, and had many interesting discussions. He has always been gracious in helping shooters, and representing our club at National and International matches. I am happy to endorse Leighton and wish him success.
Terry Allison TY456
President Cactus Match
President ASRPA
Note by Leighton:
Note that Life member number. Terry was one of the original founders of our sport, and was one of the first people I met decades ago.
Chris Hodgdon
Terry Allison

Nick Saiti
I've been around practical shooting for over 15 years.
In that time I have seen many people come and go. The people that stick around usually stand out as beacons of knowledge and direction to the others.
Experience is gained honing skills and competing at higher levels. Eventually you get labeled as a “go to” guy for all things practical shooting.
Leighton is one of these beacons for our sport.
We need more people that not only compete but have a firm understanding of what it takes to better our sport.
I’ve been competing with Leighton for about 10 years and I’m proud to call him a friend.
I would like to endorse Leighton for the position of Area 2 Director.
Nick Saiti
Cactus Match
Rio Salado Club

Eddie Garcia
Leighton Oosthuisen has decided to run to represent us as our Area 2 coordinator. There are several candidates that may run and I wish every candidate the best.
I have known Leighton for over 10 years. I have witnessed him succeed in many roles; personally, professionally, as a shooter and as an active organizer within USPSA.
This candidate was always willing to help the organization, shooters and clubs. His main reason for running is to help grow USPSA in the best interests of the members. I personally witnessed him helping Team USA shooters participating in the 2017 World Shoot with the transportation of ammo, organizing of flights, permits, accommodation, etc.
He did all this for the shooters, and for the sport we all love.
Leighton has my vote for Area 2 coordinator.
Eddie Garcia - A49035
EMG Custom

Diana Muller
“I’m happy to see Leighton running for Area 2 director. Personally, he has the qualities of a leader that will only benefit the organization.
He is a kind, thoughtful and mature adult that understands people make up the organization.
He is also a businessman that understands USPSA is a company and that companies have customers and that there needs to be a customer service element, for all customers.
He is also a top level shooter who knows the game, and is always happy to help other shooters."
Dianna Muller A11665
Three gun
Team USA Shotgun World

Chris Nowack
I have known Leighton for about five years. First as a fellow shooter, and then as a personal friend and business advisor.
Leighton is a motivated intelligent guy with a drive to succeed. His approach is always to work as hard as you can to be the best, and to go out and do it.
He doesn't sit around and wait for things to happen
I would like to see USPSA improve many of it's services, especially those to grow the membership and work closer with other shooting groups.
I believe Leighton is the right person to get that done.
Chris Nowack L4050
Rio Salado Practical

Jessica Nietzel
Leighton was one of the first people I met in my first few months of competitive shooting. Over the last four years he has become a close friend and trusted adviser. His love for competitive shooting paired with the leadership skills he developed building a world-class dog training organization make him an ideal candidate for Area 2 Director. If you’ve spent any time with Leighton you know he has a gift for articulating his position. Our time spent in discussion is always valuable, respectful, and productive. He has demonstrated on numerous occasions his willingness to go out of his way to help fellow shooters and invest great personal effort in finding the right solution to any problem.
Given the opportunity, I think he will do great things as Area 2 Director.
Jessica Nietzel A85099
Rio SaladoPractical
Roger Forceville
I’m writing this letter to endorse Leighton Oosthuisen, USPSA L4092, for the position of Area 2 Director.
I have known Leighton for more than 15 years, and I believe him to be an honest, ethical and responsible person. He’s a great leader, good negotiator, great with people, knows how to communicate, stands up for what is right, and is not shy to voice his opinions and points of view – and do so in a clear and concise manner.
He is passionate about the sport of Practical Pistol Shooting, a fierce competitor and always willing to help people if the need arises.
He owns and runs a successful business and, in that capacity, negotiates with suppliers and customers alike, in an honest and fair way.
In my opinion, based on personal experience and during the course of numerous interactions and conversations, Leighton, with his ideas and vision to improve the sport of Practical Pistol Shooting, would be a great asset for USPSA in the capacity of Area 2 Director, and the shooting sport in general.
Roger Forceville CL-67
Rio Salado Practical

Danny D'Angelo
I watched Leighton raise his son on USPSA. Now that Christopher is off to university, Leighton goes out of his way to mentor my 15 year old Shooter, Danyela. We have become friends on and off the range.
I’ve also dealt with him in business, and find that he is a trusted advisor.
I can fully endorse him as his intellect, character, and forthright attitude will be an asset to us all.
Danny D'Angelo A85183 Cactus Match, Rio Salado

Kevin Acuff
I can’t think of a better qualified candidate than Leighton Oosthuisen for the position of Area 2 Director. I have been involved in the sport since 2009 and have known Leighton for most of that time. He is the one that is always looking for the way to make things run smoothly with minimal drama. He looks at USPSA with a business sense. He is by far the least selfish individual that I know and digs deep to find the positive in every situation. USPSA will be a much better organization with him on board.
Kevin W. Acuff
USPSA A64139